Thursday, July 14, 2011

Annoyance #16: Kids that just stare at you in the bus/Train!!!

Do you know what really annoys me?  Those little kids that just stand on the seat on the train or bus and freaking stare at you with some retarded look on there face.  It's like keep staring I'll throw I'll get off when you do and throw you in front of the train or bus when it leaves and then get on another bus.  Those kids just annoy the living dump out of me man...I was waiting for the light to turn green so i could walk, and this car turns in front of me, and there's this little girl and she just stared at me like i was candy.  I was like damn you little twit you have some ugly face!!! If the window were open I'da throw my shoe at that baby...lets see if her face looked normal...(No she was not a "Special" kid...)
And that's what annoys me!!!

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