Thursday, July 7, 2011

Annoyance #12: Bad Drivers!!!

Do you know what really annoys me?  Bad drivers.  It's like, Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you see where you're going it doesn't take some kid to end up on your wind shield all covered in blood to let you know you can't drive correctly!!!  I think people need to get a drivers test every 10 years to see if you can still drive.  I think old people SHOULD NOT drive, if they need some THICK Freaking  glasses that look like telescopes on their face!!!  They're saggy face can barely hold them...They should be tested every five years free of charge just to maintain Safety of humanity.  Also those dumb (No offense Asian community) blind asians who always end up rear ending or slamming onto someone's car if they have a number of accidents past 3 they should be tested every 3 years or freaking REVOKE their license.  Same goes to those blind bag of bones...or irresponsible women drivers...
And that's what annoys me...

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