Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(Not Really an) Annoyance #38: Getting Hit On....

This is more of an awkward situation..more than an annoyance.
It's just awkward when a gay dude hits on you...and then you're like...umm what do i say??..Thanks? Or Whoa dude!!...Or just stay quiet..... (No offense to any body who is attracted to the same Sex)...I mean...Thanks bro, but I like my women...Yep...

So like something that annoys me..Is when your counselor sends you to go turn in some papers to a place, and he gives you the instructions but confuses the both of them and tells you to do what your supposed to do after you do the 2nd he told and then it just confuses everybody and then you're just there like an idiot thinking. "Great I need to come back here again..."


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Annoyance #37: Schedules!!!

   So it's this time of the year, when we get back to school after possibly forgetting everything we learned...And as always we get stuck in classes we've already taken AND PASSED.  And like always we are forced to stay in them for like a week or two.  You're made to do work that is going to end not counting for anything since you're checking out of that class...So that pretty much annoys the crap out of me....And might as well write about what had annoyed me in the 2 days of my Junior year in High School...First of all..our school: "Ramon C. Cortineszsz School of Visual and Performing Arts"
Ugh!! Sounds Lame Man!! And ghetto....Most of the school is NOT happy with the name..but What the hay.  What can we do right??

The LONG and Complicated (Well not really) name "Central Los Angeles High School #9 Of Visual And Performing Arts"  Was in a way MUCH better...Another thing that has annoyed me are these arrogant stupid "Cholo" (gangster, gang banger, etc..) sophmores/Freshmen that act like they own the class or school walking around like little bad asses.  Like Sit down before you get a trash can thrown at you son!!

And That Annoys Me...for now.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Annoyance #36: Waking up at wrong times!!!

After not knowing what to write about...I finally started making my mind think.............SO!
Do you know what really annoys me?  When i wake up to get a quick snack in the morning so I could go back to sleep and then, My Mom or Dad put you to do things and you don't even get to enjoy your snack because your being forced to do things after your done.  I mean it's not even a full breakfast, it's a few bites of something.  So you finish your dumb little snack and then go get dressed so you can do those crappy chores...I WANTED TO GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! 

And That's What Annoys Me!!!