And that's what annoys me...
What Annoys Me!!!
I'm not angry. I'm human.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Annoyance #41: Hacking?!!!
Do you know what REALLY annoys me? People who go on others' facebook when they forget to log off another's phone, computer, iPad, or iSomething and then "CLAIM" that they've "Hacked" into their account and write something stupid or whatever...Shut up, You didn't hack ANYTHING, you're not a computer genius!!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Annoyance #40: Annoying People Talking....
Do you know what really annoys me? When I'm watching Americas Funniest Home Videos© and my mom's laughing wildly and then like "Did you see!? HAhahaha!! Did You see?! Hahaha..xD" and I'm like...."-_________-" "I'm sitting on the couch right in FRONT of the TV....It's not like I'm staring at the frame of the TV cabinet.." SHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Let me watch and laugh on my own!!
And that's what annoys me...
And that's what annoys me...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
(Not Really an) Annoyance #38: Getting Hit On....
This is more of an awkward situation..more than an annoyance.
It's just awkward when a gay dude hits on you...and then you're like...umm what do i say??..Thanks? Or Whoa dude!!...Or just stay quiet..... (No offense to any body who is attracted to the same Sex)...I mean...Thanks bro, but I like my women...Yep...
So like something that annoys me..Is when your counselor sends you to go turn in some papers to a place, and he gives you the instructions but confuses the both of them and tells you to do what your supposed to do after you do the 2nd he told and then it just confuses everybody and then you're just there like an idiot thinking. "Great I need to come back here again..."
It's just awkward when a gay dude hits on you...and then you're like...umm what do i say??..Thanks? Or Whoa dude!!...Or just stay quiet..... (No offense to any body who is attracted to the same Sex)...I mean...Thanks bro, but I like my women...Yep...
So like something that annoys me..Is when your counselor sends you to go turn in some papers to a place, and he gives you the instructions but confuses the both of them and tells you to do what your supposed to do after you do the 2nd he told and then it just confuses everybody and then you're just there like an idiot thinking. "Great I need to come back here again..."
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Annoyance #37: Schedules!!!
So it's this time of the year, when we get back to school after possibly forgetting everything we learned...And as always we get stuck in classes we've already taken AND PASSED. And like always we are forced to stay in them for like a week or two. You're made to do work that is going to end not counting for anything since you're checking out of that class...So that pretty much annoys the crap out of me....And might as well write about what had annoyed me in the 2 days of my Junior year in High School...First of all..our school: "Ramon C. Cortineszsz School of Visual and Performing Arts"
Ugh!! Sounds Lame Man!! And ghetto....Most of the school is NOT happy with the name..but What the hay. What can we do right??
The LONG and Complicated (Well not really) name "Central Los Angeles High School #9 Of Visual And Performing Arts" Was in a way MUCH better...Another thing that has annoyed me are these arrogant stupid "Cholo" (gangster, gang banger, etc..) sophmores/Freshmen that act like they own the class or school walking around like little bad asses. Like Sit down before you get a trash can thrown at you son!!
Ugh!! Sounds Lame Man!! And ghetto....Most of the school is NOT happy with the name..but What the hay. What can we do right??
The LONG and Complicated (Well not really) name "Central Los Angeles High School #9 Of Visual And Performing Arts" Was in a way MUCH better...Another thing that has annoyed me are these arrogant stupid "Cholo" (gangster, gang banger, etc..) sophmores/Freshmen that act like they own the class or school walking around like little bad asses. Like Sit down before you get a trash can thrown at you son!!
And That Annoys Me...for now.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Annoyance #36: Waking up at wrong times!!!
After not knowing what to write about...I finally started making my mind think.............SO!
Do you know what really annoys me? When i wake up to get a quick snack in the morning so I could go back to sleep and then, My Mom or Dad put you to do things and you don't even get to enjoy your snack because your being forced to do things after your done. I mean it's not even a full breakfast, it's a few bites of something. So you finish your dumb little snack and then go get dressed so you can do those crappy chores...I WANTED TO GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!
And That's What Annoys Me!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Annoyance #35: Blisters!!!
Do you what really annoys me? Blisters! Especially when i get when riding, it hurts to move my hands when i get home and then after..what is left that stupid bump on your hands..
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Annoyance #34: Not Knowing!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? That I don't what write about...I haven't gotten any annoyances lately...maybe that guy that plays drums and doesn't make it sound like a build up in a song and plays the drums dryly and it confuses people on when the build up is...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Annoyance #33: Boring Summer Days!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? When there comes a day when you have absolutely NOTHING to do at home or outside with friends!! Nothing can please you on those days; not video games, food, or sleeping!!!
I'm BORED!!!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Annoyance #32: Slow Computer!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? When the stupid computer I'm using decides to make it's own decisions on when freeze and shut down and then not even turn on again!!! I need to kill this computer!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Annoyance #31: People Who Sing OFF BEAT!!!
Do you know what REALLY annoys me? When your playing a song and then the person singing is just OFF BEAT and it throws You OFF BEAT. And it messes the whole good vibe in the song and distracts you!! You gotta learn to LISTEN to the person who GIVES YOU THE BEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not go on your own rhythm!!
I don't know who that is...
Friday, August 5, 2011
Annoyance #30: Small Cuts!!!
Do you know what annoys me? When you get a small cut on your body and that little thing is bugging the crap out of you!! And you're trying to have a good time but the cut is ruining it. Cut on your hands or feet are the worst either you can't be holding things, touching them, or walk when on your feet. Especially when your showering, you're in the most pain when the soap runs down your body!!!

That's Gross!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Annoyance #29: Ruined Plans!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? When I make plans to do something and your parents come up with an unexpected thing they're going to and they want to drag you along with them and you are forced to cancel your plans..which some times you have been waiting to happen for weeks, months, or years!!!
My plans have been ruined...
Monday, August 1, 2011
Annoyance #28: The Heat!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? The heat! I can not stand hot places. I need to be in an AirConditioned room, I will get anxious and any source of contact with something warm is unbearable!! Being in a building PACKED with people and there No fans or something to produce a breeze is HELL for me. I can not (AND DON'T WANT TO) imagine how hot it would be in Hell itself. This heat is crazy...especially when it's cloudy and hot and musty, worst conditions to do ANYTHING even breathe..
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Annoyance #27: Where's my Chapstick!!?
Do you know what really annoys me? When my lips are chap and my Chapstick is no where to be found. It's these lips are bugging me!! Too chap! Then you start trying to moisten them with some water but then it dries up and it feels even worst than before!!! We should have an extra Chapstick in a safe spot, so when you need it, you know where it is...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Annoyance #26: No Milk!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? When there's no milk!! Especially when i pour myself a bowl of cereal, and after I go look in the fridge there isn't any milk!!!!! And another milk annoyance is when i want to make pancakes, and there isn't any MILK!!! There has to be reminders all over the house when the milk's about run out!! Milk. Milk. Milk.
And that's what annoys me!!!
Where's my MILK!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Annoyance #25: Morning Wake Ups!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? When I'm sleeping and some one taps wildly at my feet. It's like, really do you need to do that?! I know I have to wake up, just speak to feet do not need to get best the crap out of them, I need to walk to class and back home...just find some other way to wake me!!!
And that's what annoys me!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
annoyance #24: Shopping for groceries and your parent(s) when in line to pay, get get something..!!!
Do you know what annoys me? When you go grocery shopping with your parents and you get in line to pay, then your mom/dad get out line to get something, and they take for ever so you have to let people go in front because they lag sooooooo much!! It's like not funny man, it's embarrassing having to be there like..."ah crap! where the hell are they?!?!?" Then you have be like "You can go ahead..."
Then, sometimes they even get mad because you let people go in front. It's like, Really?! You're bagging on me??? You're the one that got out and took for ever to go get bananas!!!
Then, sometimes they even get mad because you let people go in front. It's like, Really?! You're bagging on me??? You're the one that got out and took for ever to go get bananas!!!
And that's what annoys me!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Annoyance #23: People who tap you viciously to get your attention!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? People who try to get your attention my stabbing you horratiously,
(Is that a word??? No? Screw it, it is now!)
just to tell you something. It's like dude I'm right here, I'm not asleep, I sure as hell do not have earphones on. There's NO freaking reason to have your arm mutilated just to get your attention. NO ONE IS DYING!!! Leave my arm alone, simply AND gently TAP my shoulder or arm and tell me what's up.
(Is that a word??? No? Screw it, it is now!)
just to tell you something. It's like dude I'm right here, I'm not asleep, I sure as hell do not have earphones on. There's NO freaking reason to have your arm mutilated just to get your attention. NO ONE IS DYING!!! Leave my arm alone, simply AND gently TAP my shoulder or arm and tell me what's up.
And that annoys me today...
Friday, July 22, 2011
Annoyance #22: That Fat kid who's trying to defend Beaver!!!
Do you know who really annoys me at the moment? That one fat kid on trying to defend beever, i guess he has more than bever fever, more like beever swine flu; beever flu i guess. It's like what is this fat turd going to really do??? Do you really think he can do any of the crap he said???????????! The only connections he has is to the local mental facility across his home (which he probably ran away from. This kid needs to roll a nice one up, light it, and shut up. It's all fake! He has way too many videos on his bagging on haters and other crap he has.....the internet is making the world crazy!!!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Annoyance #21: Little kids that kick you for no reason!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? Those little duck head kids that kick you for no reason, they just go kicking people on their legs leaving bruises and isht. It's kick me again, your getting kicked into the street...These little kids need to stop or be stopped by getting kicked off the balcony to like babylon or something............
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Annoyance #20: People who can't lead the way, even with a map!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? People who are leading the way to some where and they even have a map!!! It's like, really dude!!! You're the one with the freaking map!!! How can you get us lost. First of all why do they even have the map! We need figure out who these idiots are and never give them the map when going some where..
And that's what annoys me!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Annoyance #19: Know it alls!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? Those snotty nerds that think they know EVERYTHING!!! It's like man Shut up before i break your calculator or rip your harry potter books. You sure as hell do not know why stuff happens!!! Go read a rock or something you tend to know how to do everything...
I couldn't really explain this annoyance...?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
annoyance #18: Getting a Flat tire!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? When i get a flat on my bike...It's like wow! Really? You decide to get a freaking SMALL thorn lodged up your self and pop my innertube, like a great distance from my home?!!!!!! Man it sucks to get a flat and not be prepared...
And that's what annoys me!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Annoyance #17: Being Sick!!!
Do you what really annoys me? When I'm sick and I'm trying to enjoy my day of surfing. It's like trying to have fun here!!! But NOO my nose decided to be runny and sensitive and all that cold flu crud...And then you're sneezing in front of every body and stuff, it's gross man...
And that's what annoys me!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Annoyance #16: Kids that just stare at you in the bus/Train!!!
Do you know what really annoys me? Those little kids that just stand on the seat on the train or bus and freaking stare at you with some retarded look on there face. It's like keep staring I'll throw I'll get off when you do and throw you in front of the train or bus when it leaves and then get on another bus. Those kids just annoy the living dump out of me man...I was waiting for the light to turn green so i could walk, and this car turns in front of me, and there's this little girl and she just stared at me like i was candy. I was like damn you little twit you have some ugly face!!! If the window were open I'da throw my shoe at that baby...lets see if her face looked normal...(No she was not a "Special" kid...)
And that's what annoys me!!!
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